

Great ending of 2009 business days

Most of my co-workers were at a club to party yesterday evening - some of them formed a band or two to entertain their colleagues. That's a tradition of my company to do on the last business day of the year, which was all forgotten for years and revived last year. Unfortunately (more likely fortunately for me ;)) I skipped it last year at the last minute. But this year, I had a great excuse to skip it again. Going to Budokan to see Josh Freese play with Kazuya Yoshii. I saw Josh 3 times in a couple of years at interviews but had never seen him play live. And it was the very first time for him to play live in legendary Budokan, which he said a week ago it would mean a lot to him. You know, all the great "live at Budokan" albums we listened to when we were younger. I actually don't know much about Yoshii-san's music but it was awesome to see all those people standing, singing and dancing to his songs from the arena to the 3rd floor! The venue was literally

Happy Holidays!

最高です、この動画。 宗教は万人が幸せになるための手助けをするものであるとすれば、 昔の宗教人が己の利益のために勝手に作った垣根を越えることは至極当然ですよね。 「悪いことをすると地獄へ堕ちるぞ〜!」と脅すだけじゃなくて、 時には笑顔を与えて幸せな気分にさせることも大事、大事。 良かった〜、仏教の国に生まれて(笑)。


今年のフリーランス仕事の仕事納めになるはずの翻訳を始めようと思ったら、どうもPCの接続がミョーな感じなんです。 接続できたり、できなかったり……。 「おーい!」と声で突っ込みを入れてもモデムさんはランプを点滅するばかり(泣)。 (はい、モデムさんは人間の音声には反応しません、分かってますよ〜) ふっと部屋を見渡したら、そこはホコリがテンコ盛り。 実は私、ホコリの量と仕事のやる気が見事に反比例する不思議な体質なんです。 そもそも朝からスクリーンと睨めっこしているだけで、一向に翻訳作業が進まない。 逃げモード全開であちこちのサイトを見て遊んでいたのですが、どうも接続がおかしい。 でー、「仕方ないな〜」とモデムさんの周りをお掃除して、リセットすることにしたんです。 PC2台の電源を落とし、いざホコリをダイソン君で吸い吸いしようと思ったら、いきなりモデムさんのランプが全部しっかり点灯し、何事もなかったように正常に! ええーーーーーっ?! なにそれ??? 壊れたんじゃなかったの??? でも一度出してしまったダイソン君、このまま何も仕事をさせずに退場願うのも嫌な気がして、始めちゃいました、家の中のお掃除(笑)。 そしたら、あら不思議。 仕事する気満々になっちゃうし、モデムさんもまったく挙動不審になりません。 ああ、うちのコ達(機械類)にも私の不思議な体質が伝染しているようです。 良いんだか、悪いんだか(苦笑)。

How rude!

A guy gave me a call last Friday evening for a job. Literally my hands were full then but he asked me anxiously that I eventually said yes. It turned out to be a BIG MISTAKE! I found it out a few hours later when he emailed me the pdf files of what he wanted me to translate. He initially said to me it was only 4 pages and the number of words was not much. What he sent me was 2 pdf files, 4 pages each, full of words!! And he only gave me 48 hours to complete them!! Only 48 hours , folks! I already had 3 assignments to finish during the weekend. Of course I told him so. But the thing is I was stupid enough to think I could squeeze a 4 page text into my busy weekend. Never thought he would add one more file without telling me. I have never seen anyone do such a thing. I finished 3 assignments by Sunday afternoon. I had an appointment that evening, so I emailed him to ask for one more day. Then he called me while I was on my way to my appointment and said he gave me one more da

祝 バルサ6冠達成!

朝方まで眠い目をこすりながら起きていた甲斐がありました! だって、これ↓ですもの! ゲームの前半が終わった頃には「もうダメだ、寝ようかな」と本気でめげました。 もう1点取られているし、全然バルサらしくないし……。 思い直して後半も見たんですが、途中やっぱり「あ〜あ、無理かなぁ」と何度も意気消沈。 私が大好きなバルサの美しいフットボールを全然させてもらえない……。 さすが南米王者のエストゥディアンテス、嫌〜な場所できっちり守備しちゃってました。 だからバルサはボール・ポゼッション率が高くても上手くボールがまわせない、パスが通らない、シュートできない……。 その上、けっこう荒い攻めを審判がスルーしちゃっているし……。 見ていてここまでイライラするバルサのゲームにはなかなか遭遇しない気がします。 でも、後半終了間際、ペドロのゴールが決まった時には深夜だってのに思わず拍手して喜んじゃいました(笑)。 私と同じで「こうなったら最後まで見届けてやる」と思ったバルサ・ファンも多いことでしょう。 そして……延長戦後半のメッシの胸でのゴールには驚きつつ、感動しましたね〜。 もう朝方だってのに思わず「やったー!」と叫んじゃいました(笑)。 3年程前に偶然TVで見たバルサの試合でのデコのプレイに惚れてスペイン・リーグを見始めた私は、はっきり言ってフットボール・ファンではありません。 フットボール初心者ゆえルールも細かいことはよく分からないし、バルサ以外のチームには興味もないんです。 ぶっちゃけ、単なるバルサ・ファンなんです(笑)。 バルサのフットボールが大好きなんです。 だからチェルシーに行ってしまったデコは全然フォローしてません。 フットボール好きの友達には「他のリーグやチームも見た方が断然面白いよ」と言われますが、フットボール全般に対してそこまでの情熱はないんですね。 第一、自分が一度も経験したことのないものに対して、様々なデータを集めてやいのやいの言うのは性に合わないんですよ。 実感の伴わないことは単なる傍観者として楽しむのが一番と思ってますから。 これは私の生き方とほぼ同じです。 AとBを比較して評論するなんて能力は備わっていないので、好きなものを見聞きすると「♡♡♡」と心がいっぱいになり、幸せな気分になるだけ。 「CとDは似てるよね」とか言われても、自分が好きなら「それでもいい

Look younger, live longer

ブリティッシュ・メディカル・ジャーナルに見た目の年齢と寿命に関する こんな調査結果 が載っているそうです。 それを要約したのがガーディアンの この記事 。 ふ〜む、そうなると実年齢よりも若く見られる人は長生きするってこと? でも見た目の年齢は自分ではコントロールできない気がするんです。 それが証拠に、高価な化粧品を使っていても、一生懸命若さを保とうとしていても、実年齢よりも年上に見える人達が私の周りには何人かいるんですよ。 まあ、そういう人達は単なる知り合いで、仲良くしたいとは思わないのですが(苦笑)。 なんか、ちょっと違うというか、面倒臭い人達というか……。 そういう人ってどこがどうなって努力に反して老けて見えるのかがとっても不思議です。 だって話を聞くと、本当に日夜お肌のお手入れや体力維持を頑張っているんですもの。 つーか、若さに固執して、老いをオイソレと受け入れたくないという時点で、もう老化に負けているように思えるんですがねぇ(苦笑)。 確実に言えることは、私が仲良くしている友達はみんな楽しく真摯に日々を過ごしているので、実年齢よりもかなり若く見えます。 やっぱり、外側から補充する人工的なものよりも、内側の元気の量の方が大事ってことじゃないですかね。 あと、実年齢よりも老けて見える人達は、たとえ優し気な言葉遣いでも、大抵の人が“上から目線”で語るクセがあるように思えます。 自分もそうならないように気を付けないとな〜。 あっ、でも、長生きしたくなかったら慇懃無礼な言動をすればいいのか!(笑)

Leap Year

I wanna see this movie! Generally life is not as dramatic as movie but sometimes something too dramatic to happen in movie can happen in real life. You are exposed to unexpected bits and pieces on the way to a peak where you finally see all of them get into places to show a direction for you. I believe so. Right now what is happening in my life doesn't make sense to me but I think it will eventually reveal its meaning. Waiting is tiring but we spend a lot of time waiting for something wonderful, right? :) Next leap year is 2012. Some are worried that it will be the end of the world based on Mayan long count calendar. I don't understand why certain people are attracted to such negative prediction. Don't they enjoy their lives? Don't they like their lives? Poor thing!! I just hope wonderful love magic sprinkles on positive people all over the world in this holiday season. Happy holidays!!

New Moon Wishes

ほぼ毎日読んでいる大好きな 内田樹 センセイの 本日のブログ が面白い。 「New Moon Wishesは何にしようかな〜?」と考えていたところにスコ〜ンとハマりました。 リンクを貼ったので興味がある人は読んでみて下さいな。 複数の願いが思い付かなかったけど、内田センセイのおかげで一つ増えました。 「贈り物が出来る成熟した人間になること」 お会いしたことはないけど、内田センセイ、ありがとうございます! まあ、もう一つは「あの人が同じ想いでいてくれること」。 テヘヘ、やっぱ恋愛は外せませぬ(笑)。 っていうか、今はそれが一番の関心事ですので、仕方ありません。 愛がなくちゃ世界はつまらない場所ですからねぇ。。。

message bean

My friend Takako gave me a can of message bean "LOVE" a couple of days ago. I will grow it after the New Years holiday when things are supposed to be new and fresh. It takes it 7-10 days to bud and it's supposed to have a message on it - mine will be "LOVE" :D She hopes love walks into my life as the bean grows... how lovely! How sweet! Thanks, Takako! xxx Isn't it a nice gift to send your message to your dearly beloved? :)

Three evenings in a row...

I had dinner with my friends, Friday at Kumi's, yesterday at Kayo's, and today Takako is coming over. Which means I drink 3 evenings in a row. I don't drink daily so it's becoming an abuse to my liver. The thing is, even though I don't drink daily - basically I'm no thirsty mortal -, I can hold my liquor well. So I often end up drinking up one whole bottle of wine at least when I have dinner with my friends. Kumi, Kayo and Takako are all beer lovers - hey, I've just realised that - but I'm not crazy about beer and wine tastes better for me. It's like my dad's DNA of an evening drinker in me wakes up when I take the first sip of wine. He loved beer and sake and had them both every evening after work. I try not to drink much this evening. I just wish my dad's evening drinker DNA would take a day off today... ;)

Awesome evening

After work, I visited my best friend Kumi's yesterday. It was the first time in 4-5 months. Unfortunately Kumi's husband Daisuke didn't come home before I left there - he's always too busy! - but I had a wonderful time with Kumi and their son Kazuma. The photo above was taken when they came to my place in June. It was the longest train ride for Kazuma at that time. Our stations are on the same subway line but theirs is in the east and mine the west. So it was a challenge for Kumi as well. Kazuma was 10 months then. He needed a nap after lunch. Kumi put him on my bed and said with a playful smile, "Miki, he is the youngest man on your bed. No other man can break his record! Yay!" Yes, Kumi, you are absolutely right. And I'm not gonna let anyone break his record forever ;) Kazuma is now 16 months old. Totally different from him in June. It's amazing and pleasing to see how quickly a baby grows up. Somehow he likes to give me his toys. Kumi

Midnight baking

Almond apple cake. Looks good, huh? :) My best friend Kumi's husband asked me to make it too big for her to eat it up before he comes home from work. So it's 23cm x 23cm this time. Big enough, right? It's my pleasure to cook for my favorite people. I mean, what's best about it is that I keep thinking of them while cooking... like what they like, what they don't like, what can surprise them, how they will respond to it... I'm an okay cook but love to see their smile when they take the first bite. I guess that's what the joy of cooking is all about. Don't you think?

Just Say Yes

I somehow like this song lately...


I checked what I wrote in my blog some minutes ago and found 11 comments on "song for the day" dated November 11. And they are all SPAMS in Japanese! I deleted them immediately but think it's funny to have 11 comments on the blog written on the 11th day of the 11th month. It's all ELEVEN! That reminds me of a Sesame Street song, which my ex played many times when he was trying to remix it for fun. It still stays in a corner of my brain... Anyway, Nuno's "Crave" seems to trigger that particular image (oh, not like the one above, you know) in those who try to lure people hungry for love and warmth. Hmmm... interesting :p

Wooper looper (=axolotl)

I changed my picture yesterday. It was one of my first photo booth photos taken a few days ago. When I looked at it, one thing came to my mind. Which is, a few of my old friends used to say I look like a wooper looper (axolotl) back in late '80s. Please see the following picture and my photo on the right. Do we look alike? I somehow feel so now. I don't remember exactly when but this small creature was very popular in Japan. I'm not crazy about reptiles in general and didn't pay much attention to it at the time. Isn't it funny that I finally accept my old friends' words now? Maybe it's because I've gained so much weight in the past 10 years that makes my face round like a wooper looper... :)


熟し過ぎたバナナ3本を救済するべくバナナ・ブレッドを焼いて会社に持って行った時のことです。 マイ・ボス aka N変酋長 aka G島の父さんが一口食べてこう言い放ちました。 父さん「こんなに美味いケーキ焼けるのに、どうしてオマエにはオトコがいないんだろうねぇ。」 私  「私だって欲しいよ。でも、どこに行ったらイイ男が落ちてるのさ?」 父さん「ほら、ここにイッパイ落ちているじゃないか〜! 選り取り見取りだぜ。」 私  「………」 社内恋愛、社内結婚が比較的多い会社ならではの発言なのですが、いやはや、社内で彼氏を見つけるのは勘弁ですわ(笑)。 アレはね〜、運良く結婚まで辿り着けば大成功なんですが、運悪く別れちゃった日には地獄が待っていますから。 そんな地獄の日々を遠い昔に一度経験している私としては、もう二度とやるまいと誓っていますので。 つーか、今ではみんなを息子や娘のように思っているので、恋愛対象にはなり得ないよ〜、父さん! そんな他愛もないバカ話で笑って帰宅した夜に、ふっと考えちゃいました。 20代で結婚して、子供をもうけて、家族を作り、老後までダンナと仲良く暮らす……と、10代の頃の私は固く信じていました。 20歳で結婚し、娘二人をもうけ、父が他界するまで40年弱ずーっとラブラブだった母を見ていたせいか、それが当然のことと思っていたわけです。 がー、どうも私の人生は当然のレールからは最初から外れていたようです。 21歳でアメリカに遊びに行ってそのまま9ヶ月戻って来なかったことから始まり、25歳で今の仕事を始めたのに3年後にはいきなりフリーランスになっちゃったり、付き合って8ヶ月でいきなり入籍したり……。 枠の中に収まりたい自分がいる一方で、目の前に自分が望む変化がぶら下がっていると何の躊躇もなく飛びついてしまう衝動的な自分がいるわけです。 その上、後者の自分の方が強い(苦笑)。 こんな予測不可能なオンナ、大抵の殿方は面倒くさいですよね〜。 さすがに前の結婚が破綻した後はしばらくの間、衝動的な自分がナリを潜めていましたが、今年の秋くらいから怖いもの知らずの自分が通常営業に戻っています。 その証拠がここしばらくの恋煩い。。。 衝動的な自分に「恋」という格好のエサを与えちゃいました。 きっと人生的な意味があって今のタイミングなのでしょうが、これからどうなるんだろう?

Rhythm & Drums Magazine Jan '10 issue

The biggest feature of Daniel Erlandsson ever appears in the issue. It's going to be out this coming Saturday, so all the Arch Enemy fans, Daniel Erlandsson fans and metal drum lovers MUST go to a bookstore nearby to get a copy or two ;) You'll love it! It also has a big feature about Metal drumming in which well-known heavy metal drummers give you tips to play it better. If you want to be a kick-arse drummer, better read it and practice harder! No house can be built from the roof - just like Daniel always says.

Full moon urge won...

I swear I decided not to buy anything under the full moon... but the full moon urge beat me! What I got is not clothes nor what I was looking for online. A bracelet of garnet+amethyst+crystal!! I wrote about genuine stones a couple of days ago here. The bracelet above just grabbed my eyes when I was actually looking for Taiwanese version DVDs of Taiwanese TV dramas. I kept going back to its site again and again. Maybe 10 times or so and... ordered it! I felt I needed it. I also thought I could give it to my mother if I found my instinct was wrong. But I was right. Oh yes, I need it. My friend Takako is right. It actually called me from my computer screen. No other stones didn't appeal to me at all and I totally forgot the DVDs right before I decided to get it. Just like this common saying in Japan "一期一会 / Treasure every encounter, for it will never recur," there seems a moment you intuitively know what is meant to be yours. This way of thinking is exactly wha

Bathing in moonlight

Oh, no, it's not me, it's this small heart-ish shaped amethyst cluster. Isn't it cute? It's a gift from my best friend Takako. I think she gave it to me about a year ago saying it's got to be bathed in full moonlight to cleanse it once in a while. I totally forgot it for some months but suddenly it popped up in my mind when I was looking at the full moon a couple of nights ago. Sorry my amethyst, I was a bad caretaker! I placed it outside under the moonlight the whole night and brought it back inside yesterday morning. Believe it or not, I find its color darker than before! Really! Amazing!! I know some don't believe the healing power in genuine stones. And I'm not really into it, either. But somehow I feel much lighthearted now. I guess I wasn't the only one looking forward to the full moon a couple of nights ago, so was my amethyst. Perhaps it was sending me a silent message :) One girl in my office is into genuine stones. She's in her earl

Full moon, full moon, fuuuuull moooooooooon!

I don't know why but I'm so looking forward to the Full Moon tonight. Since the weather is beautiful today, I can see it clearly for sure. Hey, was I a wolf in my previous life? I've thought about my past and present in the past 3-4 weeks and found out how fortunate I am. I have this interesting work to enjoy almost every day and many lovely friends who keep loving me no matter how eccentric I become once in a while. I never see myself eccentric but it might be true that I am because they often say so. And I hope I make them smile with whatever surprise I bring into our relationships and friendships. You know, smiles are the key to live a happy life! :) I sometimes wonder what to do when meeting someone for the first time. In Japanese culture, we generally bow each other or sometimes shake hands. No hug, no kiss on cheek. So I know what to do when it comes to meeting Japanese people. But it's a different story when meeting non-Japanese people. Some hug, some kis

Session player

I had a chance to chat with one of my best friends Sugiwo while we were waiting for Angelo's interview yesterday evening. We have been friends for almost 2 decades and he is probably the best person in my office that I can rely on with no doubt. We always say stupid things to each other that most of people in our office take it for granted. I told him that I've got a crush on a guy. He knows me very well and doesn't ask me much before I open my lips. When I said, "I don't know if it's okay to tell him my feelings because he seems to have a girlfriend," he said, "Hey, don't worry, Miki. If he is a session player, you can ask him to play with you, no problem. If he has a band to play with regularly, you know you shouldn't do that." That's Sugiwo's way to advise me. Hmmm... I absolutely understand what he means but... Oh shoot! How come it's so difficult to encourage myself just to say, "I like you a lot" when I

Dr. Madd Vibe

Do you know who he is? Yes, he is also known as Angelo Moore, a singer of Fishbone. Actually I didn't know he played saxophone before I did an interview with him this evening. The only album I've listened to of Fishbone's is "Give a Monkey a Brain and He'll Swear He's the Center of the Universe" (released in 1993) and I saw them play live in Tokyo in mid 1990's although I don't remember when and which venue it was. I loved the album and listened to it repeatedly at the time but I totally forgot it! There are many albums that I don't even remember listening to them, I guess. I'd better dig my CD collection to look for "Give a Monkey..." album later. He is a very interesting man and so is his interview. As he didn't sleep at all last night jamming with some musicians, he took a nap right after he arrived at the venue this afternoon. We saw him at the entrance but couldn't find him. When we asked a person there, v

Full moon curse?

I wonder why I always want to buy clothes around the time of Full Moon knowing I always get a couple of outfits I will never wear... The Moon becomes full in 3 days and right now I'm struggling with the urge. Damn! I remember hearing this somewhere ages ago that when it's Full Moon you hear sound a bit differently. Hearing nerve connects to a different part of brain from the place it usually connects to when hearing. I guess that's what they said at the time. So my question is... is the inner voice included in the 'sound' that sounds differently? Oh well, I have enough clothes to wear that I don't have to buy more at the moment. Let some days go by... :)

Am I this maniac?

While I was taking a long and relaxing bath listening to music on iPod last night, I suddenly realized that I tend to picture how the drummer plays in my head. I don't play drums nor any instruments since junior high because I came to think one day, maybe at the end of 6th grade, I'm not talented at all and I had enough of it. My art teacher at elementary school Mr Kimura let me (almost forced me to) try various instruments my school had at the time except piano. I don't know what he thought about me but what I tried was recorders (soprano & alto), organ, accordion, marimba, vibraphone, bell lyra, snare drum, drum major... that all happened in 4 years, from 3rd to 6th grade! Every time he needed to form a band with students, I was the first one to get called in and the only one to try a new instrument. I think I played them okay... But I always wondered why I had to practice a new thing all the time and was envious of those students who stayed with the sa

Deadline free weekend

At last, I finished translating all the texts and the interviews yesterday afternoon. I had to go to my office at the publisher I work for in the evening but I felt so good and upbeat on my way to get there. This total freedom from darn deadlines is something I always celebrate. I know I wouldn't work hard without deadline and perhaps it's something I have to have for my work. I don't know any other way of working anyway. I've been working that way for years. My relationship with deadline is love/hate one, I guess. Speaking of love and hate, finally, I repeat, finally I've got a crush on a guy!! The first time in some years, probably the first real one since my divorce. I totally forgot this feeling of liking someone so much. Of course, I cannot say who he is. It's a secret, you know. But he is GORGEOUS! I told my truly close friends about him and showed them a picture of his and they say... he looks totally different from whom I was in love with in the past

Coffee break

Oh my gosh, it is a long working day today... nothing but listening, typing and staring at my computer screen for hours. My concentration is wearing away but I need to get things done for my lovely coworkers. My work eventually secures my income but it's always primarily for those whom I work with. Isn't it nice to be recognized as a person they can count on at the last minute? That's what I love about my work. I know some would say, "Hey, this is what nobody else but I can do. Admit it!" But it's all wrong. There are many people that can do what I do much better. The thing is, however, it feels way better to think you are doing something for someone. Arrogance to yourself as well as to people around you leads you nowhere. I'm totally grateful for what I have in my life now. Sorry, I got to tell this to myself to encourage me ;) Coffee break is over now.

Where are you, Nuno???

I think you are on the right but... cannot see you clearly! I kinda like Rihanna's new album " Rated R" and understand why she asked you to play guitar for the tour but... is it going to be better?

Addicted to...

I had an interesting conversation about long-distance love with my best friend Takako the other day. We coincidentally and accidentally have experienced a relationship with a man living in a different country about 10 years ago. Her partner was in London and mine in Oakland, CA. Either of our relationships didn't work out at the end but we were like comrades supporting each other to survive the tough time for almost 6 years. At the time, what we had was telephone, email and chat on the internet. But dial-up access was still main that chatting on the internet wasn't really an option. Telephone or email for most of time. 10 years later, we now have Skype to chat with someone living apart for free seeing their faces. Technology certainly helps lovers living apart now. We wish we had it back then, really... Takako asked me if I would do it again. I answered, " Oh yes, if I got myself involved with someone living in a different country." She said she wouldn't e

Yesterday's dinner

Sanae came over and we had a great time! Before the food is ready, it looks like.... And here we go... Left to right, top to bottom: Hero's olives (it's the best kind!), edamame, home-made pickled celery Japanese style, radish and pork, honey-mustard chicken, ratatouille (by Sanae) and baguette bread. Sanae's ratatouille is delicious! We ended up eating 2/3 of baguette with it. Radish and pork, I refilled twice and we ate them all. Honey-mustard chicken, 2 pieces of breast meat went into our stomach. I was going to make pumpkin salad but I'm glad I didn't because it was enough for us. I had so much fun chatting with her and had almost 2 bottles of red wine! She doesn't drink recently because of migraine medicine she's taking. By the time she left my place, I was plastered and upbeat. Hey Sanae, I hope I didn't say anything stupid but... did I? Oh well, I always become darn stupid when I get drunk anyway ;) The strange thing is I'