Awesome evening

After work, I visited my best friend Kumi's yesterday. It was the first time in 4-5 months. Unfortunately Kumi's husband Daisuke didn't come home before I left there - he's always too busy! - but I had a wonderful time with Kumi and their son Kazuma.

The photo above was taken when they came to my place in June. It was the longest train ride for Kazuma at that time. Our stations are on the same subway line but theirs is in the east and mine the west. So it was a challenge for Kumi as well.

Kazuma was 10 months then. He needed a nap after lunch. Kumi put him on my bed and said with a playful smile, "Miki, he is the youngest man on your bed. No other man can break his record! Yay!" Yes, Kumi, you are absolutely right. And I'm not gonna let anyone break his record forever ;)

Kazuma is now 16 months old. Totally different from him in June. It's amazing and pleasing to see how quickly a baby grows up. Somehow he likes to give me his toys. Kumi finds it's interesting that he is like an angel when I'm around. Hmmm... I don't know why. The thing he really surprised me yesterday is that he is not afraid of darkness. He loves to close the door of his bedroom and plays alone in there! All my friends' babies I know of except him are afraid to be left alone in the dark. What a brave kid he is!


kumi さんのコメント…

カズマにとっては、ミキさんが“初めてベッドを共有した女性”=“初めてのヒト”ですので(^_-) この記録が破られないことを切に願うばかりです(笑)。

miki さんの投稿…
Kumiちゃん、そーだよね、昨日会ったベイベはスレンダーなイケメン・ベイベになっていたもんね〜(元々イケメンだけどね)。彼の記録は永遠に破られないでしょう。だってI love Kazuma forever ですもの (^_^)。




