
One of my best friends Mayumi and her fellow drummer Mr Y and bassist Mr M came over for a small gathering yesterday evening. I got totally drunk since it was so much fun! And I forgot to take photos, too. 

It started at 7:30pm and 4 empty beer cans, 4 empty wine bottles and an almost empty 1.8 litter bottle of potato shochu (distilled spirit) left on the floor at the moment. Mr Y and Mr M can drink a lot and quickly that made me drink and get drunk quicker than usual. I gotta stick to my own pace when drinking with them from now on - a big lesson I learned last night :)

They are all great people! I mean, we kept laughing all night. Such a happy gathering!! They liked my food and kept eating and drinking and laughing. It's so nice to hear my friends enjoy my food, you know. And it's also so nice to keep smiling when you get drunk. Mayumi is having a difficult time right now but she seemed very happy, too. Yep, Mayumi, you needed that! Happy feelings give people so much energy to move on, you know.

Mr Y and Mr M learned a word "a-ha" when they went abroad earlier this year. And the way they say it has a funny intonation like "a~~ha~~" and so hilarious because they knowingly use it wrong. Hey, you guys are totally different from how you are on stage. And I love you guys both on and off stage for sure ;)  You are always welcome so come over here for supper or drink or both whenever you want since we live close. Just give me a call, okay?

I'm so blessed with wonderful people! Mr Kondo, you are one of the wonderful people, too. Thanks for joining us after work yesterday. And sorry all of us were already in top gear when you were still sober!




