Pino Palladino

I was at the interview with Pino Palladino for the first time yesterday. He is such a nice guy and very good at picking up key words from what a Japanese interviewer says.

The situation yesterday was a bit odd - there were 2 interviewers and I was sitting sandwiched between them as the interpreter. One is a magazine staff writer Mr K who knows what to do at interviews and the other is... a bass teacher Mr J whose knowledge is absolutely great but is not really good at interviewing players just because he doesn't listen to people. I'm totally used to the way experienced journalists and writers interview people, so Mr J often becomes a bit of pain in the ass not only for me but also for everyone in the same room. He just keeps interrupting interviewees. First Pino waited for me to interpret but eventually he seemed to realize that it's better to listen to Mr J and answered the last 2-3 questions of his without my interpreting. Maybe I had a puzzled expression on my face :(

I thought it was easy to interview people and anyone could do it - ask a question, listen to the answer, respond to it and ask another question... it's that simple. Something we automatically do in our daily life, isn't it? BUT I've just found out some are not capable of doing it.

To be a good interviewer, you have to listen to people. And that also makes you a comfortable person to talk with. I've seen people trying to show off how good they are both at my work and in my personal life but the one thing is sure. Which is all the great people LISTEN really well. No wonder all those great musicians I've met and worked with provide a comfortable atmosphere.

Yesterday and the day before, I saw 2 different people who often give tension to other people around. Mr J is basically a nice person but the other one Mr RH is unbelievably rude! His character on stage and that of off stage are totally opposite. It's rare for me to meet someone like him though... And I'm so glad his interview didn't happen in the end ;)




