Yatta ~~~!

At Last, the 11,000 word article is history... though only 9 hours old ;) Feel so good this morning cos it's no longer buzzing around my face like an annoying fly. Took me 3 whole days to finish it, the last 2 days of Silver Week and yesterday. What a work!

What helped me survive is them......

Brand new 3DG's "Life Starts Now" album and Almond Roca!!!

I need chocolate when using my brain more than usual. Almond Roca is one of my favorites. I found one at Kinokuniya Supermarket on the way home from the interview with Mindi Abair 3 days ago. I ate 2/3 of it in 3 days. When you are working hard, you don't think about "diet" at all, just dreaming about the moment you are done with your work.

Three Days Grace's new album was delivered 2 days ago. I played it as BGM while I was working but didn't really listen to it. It's already installed in my iPod so I'm going to listen to it on my way to my office today.

Oh my god, it's Friday today! It feels weird because it was Silver Week holiday until the 23rd and I worked from home yesterday. Well, my main work today will be deleting tons of spams sent in the past 6 days. Hmmm... I wonder which is easier, working on a long text or deleting tons of spams...




