Dogsbody... really?

One of my English friends called my work "dogsbody." I didn't know what it meant and asked him for an explanation. As he explained its definition, I started thinking it's not the right word for how I work. I mean, I'm basically an independent English-Japanese translator who also does liaison work for a publisher as international coordinator for magazines/books/dvds. I think all my work is based on my ability to speak both English and Japanese to a certain degree. Whereas dogsbody seems to mean doing whatever the boss asks you to do no matter how they are boring or uninspiring where you have no choice, just obey the boss's order... Hmmm, is my work like that? No way!

As a matter of fact, my boss doesn't order me to do anything. He jokingly calls himself "air-boss" who only signs paper. Really nice and funny boss! With the freedom given to me, I always come up with a few options to whatever needs to be solved or taken care of and let the person in charge to choose the best solution. It's pretty inspiring and challenging. And luckily enough, all my colleagues trust me in that sense.

Dogsbody doesn't sound good to me but maybe it shows how my English friend has worked. I often have a difficulty to explain how I work. Many people work for a company for months and years as one of regular staff and that is exactly what work means for them. But I've been freelance for almost 2 decades where I work for various people and companies. Which actually has improved my ability to give the best shot possible to whatever I'm asked for. You cannot please your clients without putting more than 100% efforts. And you must be aware that there's a long queue of candidates waiting right behind you to take the place of you anytime you fail. The fear of losing my job anytime soon certainly made me better work-wise and personality-wise.

There are many things that I'm not capable of doing but I'm okay as long as all my clients and my colleagues at the publisher are happy with what I do. They often give you a new challenge that usually pushes your boundary. I'm totally blessed!

For those who think their work is dogsbody and are bored with it, here is a wonderful quote of Mother Teresa.
"Everybody is gifted. If you are good at peeling potatoes, do it beautifully."

I guess my 'potatoes' is what I do now and I always find it fun to peel them beautifully. Hey Folks, what is your 'potatoes'? Aren't you trying to peel figs the way you do potatoes by hanging on to your experiences? ;)




