Divorce & Marriage

I signed as a witness of divorce in late March and of marriage yesterday. I don't know how other country's paperwork is but you usually need 2 witnesses to sign on marriage/divorce paper in Japan. I remember asking 2 good friends of mine nearby to be my marriage witnesses back in 2000 but don't know who are witnesses for my divorce paper because my Ex made a scene right in front of my front door to force me to sign it one evening - it was pretty hardcore - and didn't let me write in other necessary info on the paper. I have no idea who wrote in what I was supposed to do. I didn't mind that because my mind was already made up then but never expected it would cause a small problem much later.

To be a witness for marriage/divorce, you have to write in your domicile of origin. I changed it to the current address when I got married so that I would not have to go back to my hometown every time I need official paper like register of family. I was going to return it to my hometown when I got divorce. But since someone wrote in everything except my signature, my domicile of origin stays my previous address. And I usually forget it! I was like "Oh shoot! I don't remember my domicile of origin!" yesterday evening when I was signing my friends' marriage paper. I managed to figure it out but thought I would have to write it down somewhere to remember it ;)

My friend who got divorced in March is much happier now and enjoys her life as single mother. But my friends who are getting married soon don't look very happy for some reason. Marriage blue maybe? I'm a bit worried but hope they will find a way to feel happier soon. They've been together on and off for a decade and know each other so well. Their bond must be stronger than they think, I guess.

Two of my close friends have a great change this year. I wonder if I will have one this year. Maybe I had one already, just not relationship oriented ;)  I feel my life is evolving rapidly right now. I don't know where it leads me to but 2010 seems a big year for me. I'm learning a lot of new things lately which excite me for sure. Full of energy and laughter right now. Wonderful!! :D




