Mini Me!!

I got it from a business associate in Taiwan, Allen. He and his lovely wife Tina came to Tokyo for the 1st Rhythm & Drum Magazine Festival in January. Allen and I have been working for a couple of years now but it was the first time for us to meet in person. Tina took a picture of Allen and me during the festival and they ordered this neat doll with the picture. It's cute and looks way better than real me. Thank you so very much, Allen & Tina!

Coincidentally I'm into Taiwanese TV dramas and pop groups last few months. First, I liked a TV drama called "惡作劇之吻2" last autumn which is based on a Japanese manga. In that drama, a cute looking guy Jiro (汪東城 from 飛輪海) caught my eye. Then, I saw another TV drama "花様少年少女" which I initially got interested in because of Jiro. But Ella from S.H.E who plays 盧瑞莃 in it looks so cute and discovered S.H.E sings the theme song. So I got one of their albums "PLAY" on iTunes Store right away. It was played a lot during my trip to NAMM in January. I just love Ella's voice.

Then, I started thinking, "Hmmm, this 呉尊 guy looks cute, too." Now he is my latest favourite. Many of my friends know I tend to fall for westerners because of my history but maybe I have become more open... No, he looks like my first crush! Really! I suddenly rediscovered my first feelings I felt at age 6.

Chinese language sounds nice to my ears. I don't know why but it sounds more comfortable than Korean. Plus Chinese subtitles help me get a picture of what they say in the drama. I don't think I try to learn Chinese but it's nice to learn a little bit of Taiwanese culture through TV dramas and music. 飛輪海's new album will be delivered here early next week. I'm looking forward to it, indeed!




