Alone Again...

At last, I could listen to and see the video of one of my favorite songs from 1985!

This particular song by Dokken was somehow on MTV whenever I read letters from my friends in Japan when I was living in Colorado. Their letters -- no email/internet at that time -- made me feel far away from my homeland although I never became homesick because of all the lovely people there I became friends with. I still cannot figure out why it was always this combination of the "Alone Again" video and the letters from Japan. But this memory stays in a special place in my heart that often reminds me of the basement of the house I lived in and the chair I usually sat on. A part of the basement was a TV room.

I had no idea of what life I would live in the future at that time. Never thought of working in the music industry. It all happened by accident and I never quit once I found my work interesting and unique. I guess a huge seed of my life was sown in Colorado that eventually led me to what I am now. But "Alone Again" just brings me back those days in a small foreign town especially when I was all alone reading my friends' letters having a mixed feeling of happiness and slight loneliness.




