Energy charged

I got an oil massage yesterday. I found this massage salon nearby a couple of months ago and liked it very much. The massager there is pretty good and it's really relaxing. I wasn't interested in any massage in my 20's and 30's because I didn't feel stiff in my shoulders or back. I knew the word "stiff" and had heard it a lot from people around me but didn't really know as much about it. I was lucky, I guess.

I got interested in massage right after I got divorced. I felt so tired that I needed something to ease the pain inside of me. There was nothing I could do except getting someone else's help. There, I found a messuer in a free paper and booked. I went to see the messuer twice a month for about 6 months. It was mainly for keeping in shape but I began to get fatter for some reason. Then, the massager, who I became friends and often hung out with, got into a cult. Her behavior became weird. It was like I got more fat but lost energy whenever I got a massage from her. So wierd! Eventually I had to stop seeing her because of that. She wanted to be a healer but I guess she is too weak to be one. Anyway, that experience kept me from massage again.

I learned to keep a certain distance from a messuer from that experience as well. Just getting a massage is enough. I basically become friends with people I get acquainted with in any ways but I try to be sort of aloof when it comes to getting a massage although being naked on a massage bed makes it a bit hard... The key is silence, I guess. I just take a short journy in a daydream while getting a massage and it works.

Yesterday I was making up a story in my head about a man who I'm interested in right now. Nothing sexy about it, really. Just a fantasy that makes me smile. But I remembered doing it very often when I was little. I actually wrote a story about a dying sick girl when I was about 10. The older I become, the less imagination I get. Nothing wrong with it because it actually proves you have learned about the reality, what can happen and what cannot happen in real world. But on the other hand, we all need fantasies. I think it's a way to relax your brain. I never thought of a combination of a massage and a fantasy but I find it works well at least for me. Just letting your brain go wherever it wants to go while letting a massager relax your body. You will find it comforting.

Maybe some are curious about the man I'm interested in at the moment. Well, let's keep it secret here. But the funny thing is, I didn't realize my interest in him before I started fantasizing yesterday. Herhaps he was in my subconscious. My brian surprised me by accident. It just popped up and I was like "Okay, let's fantasize with him." And the whole massage session was like watching a movie in my head being half awake. It was a peculiar feeling but fun for sure.

Every brain has its own story to tell its owner. As we usually live in a world where you believe you are the one to control all the bits and pieces of your body including your brain, it's nice to set them free and listen to them, especially to your brain, once in a while. It surprises you by letting you know what's in your subconsciousness. It can give you energy when finding out what you weren't aware of.




